optional material
In order to understand the position within the scientific landscape of computational materials modeling at the quantum level , it is helpful to understand a concept from mathematical logic: formal systems.
You can use the forum underneath to share your thoughts on one or more of the following questions:
Started by: laitvo
Started by: Moon
Started by: Ruben Quiroz
The concept of a formal system is used to classify the positive sciences. This allows to understand what it means to have an “ab initio theory” for a particular field of physics:
Two students are arguing:
A: “Newton’s laws are axioms, and therefore they cannot be proven.”
B: “No, that’s not true – I have proven Newton’s laws in a physics course when I was 17 years old.”
According to you, which of both students is right, and why?
Post your answer to this optional question into this forum, and comment on the answers of others afterwards.
Started by: robert.degille
Started by: quantpie
Started by: Umaiza Sattar
Started by: laitvo
Started by: dmulter
Started by: balki