Home Forums setting the stage the ab initio way Ab initio models and ab initio methods

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    All models in question rely on a number of postulates (Newton’s laws for classical mechanics, Shrödinger’s laws for quantum mechanics and Maxwell’s laws for electrodynamics). Hence, I think it is correct to call them ab initio models. I find this question somewhat tricky though, because, if I understand correctly, every model, physical or abstract mathematical can be referred to as “ab initio”, as long as all derivations and conclusions are based on a number of axioms (first principles).
    The more intuitive concept for me is “ab initio method”, which means that method does not involve using empirical data and rests solely on certain axioms. There are certain mechanical and electromagnetic phenomena that require (usually not from conceptual, but practical point of view) using empirical (non-ab initio) methods. I think, because of this, referring to the whole branch of physics as “ab initio” should be used with caution, to avoid confusion.

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