Home Forums density functional theory exit (w3) HK Confusion

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  • #7221
    Ruben Quiroz

    The gist of the HK theorem is that there is a one to one correspondence between the ground state density and the external potential.

    What confuses me is the question whether we can also calulate exited states without a wave function and if so why did we ever bother learning about wave functions.

    Furthermore I can’t wrap my head around how a 3N dimensional object can be truly 3N dimensional and only contatin as much information as a 3 dimensional object. (Which is what I think HK says…)

    Thanks for any and all help!


    I think we still bother with wave functions is that there is a prescription for getting the exact result given the computational resources. For example, the post HF methods are a prescribed way to get to the exact answer. For DFT, since we do not know the XC functional, we do not have the prescribed method for getting the exact result.

    Ruben Quiroz

    Ahh, ofcourse, in the beginning the emphasis was so much on the theorems that I took them to heart maybe a bit to much. As long as the black magic for the perfect XC functional is not performed densities will be approximate!

    Thank you so much 🙂

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