Home Forums setting the stage solids as quantum systems Solids as quantum systems questions

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    Tristan Boen

    Own definition of solid: A solid is a substance that does not flow, it is hard when looking at it at the macro scale. The atoms are tightly bound together.

    The electron and proton would be called a dipole. With the wall in between, these are still two dipoles, but they are shielded from eachothers radiation.

    Without the wall, this is now a configuration of two hydrogen atoms. A H_2 molecule.

    The optimal distance d, would be zero, as the energy would go to – infinity.


    Good definition and you also added comments for energy. In DFT world, however, focus appears to be on particle interactions and QM.

    Kamalesh Tripathy

    Solid is a state of matter in which the matter has a well-defined shape and size (i.e. volume) due to strong inter-molecular force. The constituent points’ coordinates (i.e. position vector w.r.t any frame of reference) are constants.

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