One cannot talk about DFT without touching the issue of the exchange-correlation functional. In this video, you will learn what a XC-functional is, how the simplest ones are constructed, and how the hierarchy among XC-functionals looks like.
Now read this Perspective from Science (2002) (you have to go through a free registration first to download the original pdf — an alternative is this link to an image of the pdf) about the search for the “divine” exchange-correlation functional. Part of the text deals with the Jacob’s ladder analogy (optional: a 6-minute oral explanation of this analogy by John Perdew). Now use the forum to explain in your own words what Jacob’s ladder is in the context of DFT :
Started by: Maxim Vermorgen
Started by: chuannan
Started by: mhsabbir
Started by: Sudeep Lamichhane
Started by: Himanshu Sharma
Started by: Himanshu Sharma
Started by: Henry Ezeaku
Started by: sosafi
Started by: temitayoikuerowo
Started by: StijnVanVooren
Started by: Nan
Started by: davide.a
Started by: FANYANG
Started by: zakaryau1
Started by: Yannick
optional: digging deeper
The XC-functional is one of those topics one can understand at various levels, from conceptual to (very) technical. The latter is not better than the former, it depends in the first place on what you need this knowledge for. For those of you who want to dig deeper into the topic of exchange-correlation functionals, now or later, a set of optional material is collected here:
The two videos by J.C. Cramer:
compChem.05.05 Density Functional Theory: Local Density Approximation
compChem.05.06 Density Functional Theory: Generalized Gradient Approximation
The four videos by John Perdew :
local density approximation
generalized Gradient Approximation
meta GGA
the SCAN functional
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